Submission Number: UBR-DEIS-00409 -- Oral Comment at Public Meeting 

Received: 12/3/2020 12:00:00 AM
Commenter: AJ Kendall

Agency: STB
Initiative: Uinta Basin Railway EIS
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
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Okay.· I don't know if I have three minutes worth of stuff to say. I just got on this meeting tonight just to listen, but I'm surprised to hear that so many people are against the railway.· Just from what I've seen of this area over the years that it's very boom-and-bust with oil, and I think it's kind of silly that a railroad hasn't been constructed.· I think it could have been used 40 years ago.· I think it would have been the best thing for this area, and it would have helped it grow and there would be different industries here.· And people wouldn't struggle so much when oil's down because things would have been able to happen that have not happened.

I think that it would be foolish for us to not try to get this railroad here.· I think it would open up a ton of communities.· Shipping would be a lot cheaper.· People could start manufacturing stuff here in the basin and ship it out at a competitive price. I think the semitrucks are -- on the highways, those are dangerous, a lot of pollution.· And I think the railroad would have paid for itself and would have been a great thing to do years ago.

I think some people might be kind of afraid of change or have fear of the unknown and they worry that a railroad might be noisy or cause fires or something, but I'm pretty sure -- I feel like they're not that dangerous.· I think it would only help the Uinta Basin a lot, but -- let's see.

Yeah.· I think that's about all I have to say.